Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year, New Moon Intentions

I did this exercise last year and it was a really powerful practice. Doing it again and sharing it with you.

Make it a new year - set goals, make a choice, let things go. Here is a quick guide for how to go about it. Spend some time today in meditation and reflection and watch how God supports you.

Write your resolutions and intentions for the year and set your priorities. Make a list of what you need to release and burn it. Your intention lists can be in 3 categories:

1) Goals: for what you want to accomplish in 2012

2) Wishes: for things you want to manifest

3) Resolutions: for behaviors and attitudes and practices you wish to include.

4) What you need to release.

Make a promise to yourself that you will not leave anything for tomorrow that can be done today. "Do it now" should be a mantra for this time frame. Things are moving so quickly these days that anything procrastinated will be just that much harder to catch up with. If it doesn't get done, ask yourself if it is that important. If it is, then do it now. If not, let it go.

This is a good day to reset what is important. Be conscious of this as you write or rewrite your lists. The new moon is always a still point and a good time to indicate change. Just make sure it is something you are fully 100% behind as anything you decide will be supported fully, so choose wisely.

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