Thursday, December 8, 2011

Advent Meditation

It is the second week of Advent - the beginning of a new year in the Orthodox Christian tradition and one of my favorite seasons in the liturgical calendar. Advent is all about expectation and anticipation...and I certainly know how to expect and anticipate well!

Advent prepares us for the arrival of something expected, which often requires a season of waiting...hence, the anticipation element. It is wise, always, to consider the journey to the the wise men following the star to the Christ child.

There can be no Christmas without Advent. And there can be no journey without others - friends, family, spiritual companions.

I came across these questions for Advent reflection from a workshop I did this time last year in one of my spiritual direction training classes and I thought it fitting to share them with you all. It's an excellent way to prepare for Christmas, and the new year - whether it has already begun for you, or is about to ;)

I pray they help to anchor you into this season of Blessed Hope.

1. What is God waiting for you to notice?

2. How might you prime yourself to notice, to be more aware of God's presence and action in your life?

3. What is growing within you?

4. Where are you on your journey?

5. Has your path been straight or crooked?

6. Who is accompanying you on your path?

7. What is your deepest desire?

8. Can you see where you are being led?

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